Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 1 - Orientation & Fawn Duty

I bottle fed a fawn!! Multiple fawns actually...and I didn't get any appropriate pics HAHAH I know sorry, I'm a tease. There was so much to learn today, mostly just figuring out where everything was! haha But I'll be working with them many more times so there are tons of pics to come. I also got warmed up with baby birds (always a good place to start). Here's a little Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina)

It was such a cutie. Kept dodging my syringe but I worked with it a little and it got the idea of what I needed for it to do :) It felt SO good to be back at a hospital doing something I'm so passionate about. Everyone there was so helpful and nice and we all love what we're doing, it was a great atmosphere. And we all have different education/career goals so it's great getting to talk about it and slowly narrow my focus and hopefully cement what my direction will be as I continue. I wish I could do rehab forever but some days it really feels like putting a bandaid on a broken leg and so I think I will keep it as an extracurricular and an opportunity to learn natural history and network with the wildlife community. Oh here's a fawn pic I can show you all, took a quick snap before I had to feed it (gloves get dirty fast when you're bottle feeding formula)

These are White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), just darling little things. We have about thirty fawns at this time and will most likely get another rush when the late ones are born. They are so delicate and sweet. There are no real words hahaha It was an experience to say the least.

Anyways, I'm starting 6am workouts with one of my housemates tomorrow morning, probably a run & yoga. It will help me keep my head together and stay focused. I'm one of those people who is the most productive and happy when I have WAY too much going on. So I will get back to California absolutely exhausted but happy and in really awesome shape. Works for me!!

Tomorrow I'm on raptor duty :)

Good night everyone!!

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