Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Backyard Birding - American Robin

I have found my new favorite bird hahahah for now...I love birds ugghhhh

hahah anyways, I have gotten to work a lot with the American Robin (Turdus migratorius) this summer and have grown to absolutely adore them. They have such big personality....that can be said about so many species...but seriously, they are such characters. I enjoy so much getting to spend time feeding them and watching them grow and learn to be real birds in our Aviary Complex.

First of all...don't I work in such a gorgeous place!???! I'm so lucky :)

This is the Aviary where birds are slowly moved into as they develop their flying abilities and learn to self feed. They stay here until they are deemed ready for release....anyways, the Robin...

You will often see Robins foraging through lawns for worms and other invertebrates, with their characteristic run and stop, run and stop movements. They are common and I'm sure you have seen them all over...I definitely have. We have gotten quite a few in the past weeks and it is the first time I've really gotten to work with them.

Females are distinguished from males by their slightly duller coloring and can have three successful broods in a year. They are the largest of the thrushes and can live up to 13 years but most survive much less...about half of robins will survive to the next year (hence so many broods)

The Robin is omnivorous... invertebrates and berries comprise the majority of their diet in the wild.

They are highly adaptable birds and can be found in many urban environments. Because they forage through lawns, etc. they are susceptible to pesticide ingestion/death....So next time you decide to spray your yard to take care of a pest...give a thought for the other pretty creatures who make your yard their home and maybe look for more eco-friendly approaches. :) :)

My favorite thing about juvenile robins are their vocalizations...I could hang out with them in the aviary ALL day *sigh* It is a highlight of my day getting to feed them. The feathers on the top of their head will fluff up and so will their chests as they demand food. Check it out...I hate the crappy quality of video on my phone but......o well, what's a girl to do....

I can deny them nothing!! hahah Anyways, seriously contemplating nabbing one of these and sticking it in my purse before I leave ;)

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