Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Wild Wanderlass & Student Life

Hey all! I'm fighting to keep up with my posts lately but student life is rough! 
Here is what my day looks like...
early mornings at the gym (the only time I can get there)...or sometimes late night...which looks exactly the same.
white boards covered in this junk! 
3 hr labs ending around 10pm - Atleast I get to wear this nerdy lab coat
oh and more o chem...tonight we were doing distillations...kinda fun actually but when I've been up for 12+ hrs already, nothing is really that fun

plus 2 jobs!! one of them is heavy on data entry (yaaawn) but pays my bills so I always find time to get it done. The other requires me to lesson plan and teach 200-level biology and mentor my peers which I'm really growing to love...but most of the day I'm on my computer doing one thing or the other and it's windows on windows on windows and looks a lot like this...

I love being a supplemental instructor. I never thought I'd want to teach because people are annoying! hahah but it is a beautiful thing getting to see the *click* when someone finally gets a concept and the pride and accomplishment they feel is evident. It's also really fun seeing my peers just as excited about science as I am! I've learned a lot about how people think and learn and communicate and how I do those same things as well. 

But by Friday morning....I'm like
Over it!!

Thankfully, the semester is almost over because I need a long break to adventure and photograph and share the amazing outdoor world with all of you!
I've starting training with Project Wildlife in San Diego to get back into wildlife rehabilitation and I'm really excited to get back into it and learn about the beautifully diverse animals native to that area.

Coming soon - How to attract birds to your yard with bird houses and our trip to the US-Mexico Border. I'm also come across some super interesting articles lately and we'll get to discussing those in the next week :) 
Stick around folks! Summer is almost here and it's going to get really fun!!


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