Woke up at 6am without my alarm....just wiiiide awake. This would normally be awesome except I went to sleep at midnight last night and I was worn out. But I took advantage of my early start, got to the store to pick up some fresh fruit, greek yogurt/granola and some healthy things for lunch for the week. I had forgotten how to take care of myself while being on "vacation" and since I haven't been "home" yet, it's been a struggle getting back into my groove of healthy eating and daily exercise. Except I exercise everyday..... probably harder than I would normally so it's time to start taking care of myself in other ways as well. The other weird thing about today was that it was overcast and rainy.....and it's July! So weird! So much for getting a nice tan all summer =/
But walking around the outdoor enclosures was really beautiful today, all shady and quiet in the wake of a huge storm that blew thru last night. So I got outside quite a bit :)
Today I was on meals, so I made ALL meals for all of the animals hahah seems like quite the bit of work but we prep a lot of bulk diet that we supplement with different things depending on the species of animal. When I was done with meals I took care of mammals (rabies pre vax once again) and then got to spend a little time with the adorable broad winged hawk hatchling!
Freakin adorable right??!! When I sent this picture to my sister she immediately sent me a picture of Michael Jackson which resulted in the creation of this amazing collab....
HAHAHAH right??!!! riiiiight?!! Yea it's too much for me, even now.
Thank you, thank you! We'll be here all week!...Try the thawed mice, delectable ;)
The rest of the day was lots of odd jobs including cleaning bear pens and hosing flight pens. Check out some of the pics I snapped while out doing chores.
Super chill moth on the dumpster :)
Red tailed hawks trying to scare me while I hosed their pens
haha so intimidating...except when you've worked with these dudes as long as I have...they're just birds. You learn to read their body language and learn to move and act a certain way around them which makes both parties much more comfortable :)
I spent quite a bit of time in ICU taking care of birds and learning how to care for the infant bats we have been receiving lately. These particular ones are big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) and look like little dogs haha little, extremely vicious dogs. They are so foreign and different than anything I've ever worked with so it was fun picking the brain of my supervisor about bats and their diets/behaviors.
Here we stuck a sponge in its little mouth and then soaked it with formula which it slowly sucked up. One of the methods used to get these guys to eat without biting off our fingers. The pink dot on its head is to mark it and set it apart from its siblings....
We also got this awesome near fledged Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus). Ended up taking a short video to showcase this stunner. It was fun teaching him to gape for us so we could fill up it's belly with formula & bugs :)
But today WORE ME OUT!!... lol this is not a new concept ofcourse, I feel like I can't get any more tired one day.....then the next day rolls around and ouucchhhh!!!....but somehow I survive and keep learning more and having tons more fun with my coworkers/housemates :) But this was me for sure by 2pm...
Totally stopped giving a......... well you get it.
The last cool intake we got was a spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata)
I'm in love with this cute turtle face!!! Aren't you?! This is an extremely rare species for us to receive so we don't know much about it and will be learning a lot over the next few days :)
Ended the day with grocery shopping for veggies & egg whites etc etc for the week and got a fancy shmancy suuuper sexy....KNEE BRACE!! lol So the next few weeks shouldn't be as painful as these first couple have been...hopefully :)
Goodnight y'all!! Hope you enjoyed your Friday night & have a wonderful weekend!
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