"The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness." - John Muir
I don't know how many of you have ever been to the Grand Canyon...I haven't been to the Grand Canyon since.... 2004 and that was a quick day trip. So when Trevor said we were going camping at the Grand Canyon I didn't have to think twice. This trip took place two weeks after I returned back to California and I was aching to get back into the wild! It's ridiculous how much I miss the forest to this day. While Arizona forests are much different than those in Virginia, I simply needed to get lost among some beautifully quiet trees. As you'll see, Trevor takes beautiful photos and so one of his goals was to do some photography while I frollicked.
The plan was to leave Friday afternoon and arrive to the North Rim Campground of the Grand Canyon around midnight. We had friends to meet up with whom had a campsite ready and waiting. We left San Bernardino area around 3pm and off we were, making a few stops for last minute supplies and snacks :) The road to the North Rim from So Cal takes I-15 through Las Vegas to St. George, UT and then south into Arizona so in a matter of hours we were in crossing quite a few state lines. As we left St. George and headed south the skies really opened up, city lights fell away and goodness the stars we saw!! Long story short...we got to camp around 1am, set up and passed out.
Saturday morning we were up with the group for breakfast and coffee and a little morning exploration. The campsite was beautiful! And the wildlife was out in full force and completely unafraid of people which made for some fun photography in the AM.
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
the fattest little chipmunk that would keep us company all weekend
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Ravens (Corvus corax) for days
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
This is Miguel and he brought a hammock that was incredibly comfortable and a hatchet that totally saved our lives! What a boss.
We set out to explore, as the campsite was right on the edge of the canyon, but unfortunately, the weather had it out for us. A thick fog rolled in and not long after so did the rain! It got heavy pretty fast and we all found places to wait it out. I hung out next to the restrooms with this really nice older man and we had some nice conversation. haha The rain was not letting up and then I spot Trevor and Miguel coming back from the general store with supplies so I went to investigate and soon enough we were constructing a lean-to from tarp! It was genius!! With some quick thinking and team work we had it rigged up and a fire started!
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
We would go on to pimp out our shelter (with pine needle floors and furniture) over the next 24 hours and it became quite cozy and most importantly....DRY! :) This was/is one of my favorite aspects of camping. Being tested by the elements and working through it to keep the experience enjoyable. Also I get to practice all the skills I pick up being a nerd and watching survival shows ;)
The rain eventually cleared and we went on our first mini hike around the canyon edge. We spent a couple hours climbing out onto ledges to look over the side and Trevor took some beautiful pictures. Check em out!
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
The clouds moving up and out of the canyon were hauntingly beautiful
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
And when they lifted we got some gorgeous cloud formations along the top of the canyon
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
They started rolling back in though and we had to get back to our shelter ASAP
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Worth it!
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
After some brief rain and a hot shower the clouds parted and the stars came out for their chance to be captured. Trevor wanted to work on some astrophotography so we hiked out to a nearby ledge for some stargazing and camera fun.
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler

Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
It was really fun watching him work. I've always had a love of astronomy and spent hours in my teenage/young adult years studying stars and looking at amazing photography and wondering how in the world they did it! So it was pretty cool that it came full circle. It's indescribable to express all the thoughts and feelings one gets laying under the open sky on the edge of a huge canyon. You feel so small and insignificant but also extremely connected to everything around you.
The last day, Sunday, we decided last minute to do a nice hike. A couple miles into the canyon...no big deal right?? So very wrong. We took the North Kaibab Trail through the Supai Tunnel and down to the Redwall Bridge. Round trip it was a little over 5 miles but just over 2300ft straight down and straight back up. We started out a little after noon with a few water bottles and some trail mix and didn't get back to camp until about 6pm! I'm in the best shape I've ever been (after my intense summer) and this was no walk in the park! Mostly due to the fact that the trail head starts at 9000ft above sea level haha I would have loved to go further down the trail but we started too late to get back out of the canyon without it becoming completely dark. Parts of the trail (above the Supai Tunnel) are used by mules as well, so it gets wet and slippery...not fun in failing light. Also recommended...food! Atleast a couple sandwiches! Either way it was a breathtaking hike and worth every grueling step :)
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Coconino Overlook
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Supai Tunnel
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
We met Miguel as he was heading back up and we were heading down
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Parts of the trail erode from water runoff and this trail gets closed past the tunnel quite often
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Almost to the bridge!
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Took a short break at the bridge before the climb up and had a little photo sesh with this beautiful Stellar's Jay. He loooved our trail mix =/
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Next time I camp the Grand Canyon I am most definitely taking the trail all the way to the bottom of the canyon to Phantom Ranch which lies right on the Colorado River. It's a 12 mile hike to the bottom but if 2 miles was this amazing, I could only imagine what the rest is like :)
The rest of the trip we goofed around and grilled and told stories and enjoyed each other's company.
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
Photo Cred: Trevor Adler
I was kind of sad to leave, it felt like it went by too quickly and now I want to camp all the time! This is a must-do for all you avid outdoorsmen/women and anyone looking for a little adventure. The campgrounds were very nice with decent bathrooms, showers close by and a general store with WiFi and anything you might need. There were even campfire shows and activities set up for the kids so this is a very family-oriented activity to incorporate into summer break perhaps ;)
Sitting here writing about the whole experience kind of makes me wonder "What am I doing here?! I need to get back out there!!" haha One more for the road...
"Keep close to Nature's heart...and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean." - John Muir
Happy Weekend all :)